first red bomb in 2008
It's the first wedding invitation for year 2008.I can see the trend coming along among my old classmates now, and I expect to see few more coming in within this year or next.
A friend has also announced her wedding date this year end.
Again, a heartiest congratulation to the happy couple. :-) (Now, I can use my U2 jacket in this occasion.)
On the other note, I tried shooting with the new Sto-fen Omnibounce diffuser I bought last week. I still can't get the lighting right. Just look at the shots below.350D + 18-55mm + Speedlite 580EX II with Sto-fen. (Shutter: 1/125 sec. Aperture: F/5.6. ISO: 400. Flash Compensation: 0)
350D + 18-55mm + Speedlite 580EX II with Sto-fen. (Shutter: 1/125 sec. Aperture: F/5.6. ISO: 400. Flash Compensation: 0)
There was no adjustment on the level or curve done on the pics above, and the ones below.
Both shots were taken using 590EX II with both the diffusers I bought. Again, no adjustment were done in PS.
Also, I noticed that when shooting with Stofen, I mostly need to increase my flash compensation to +1/3 step to get better lighting exposure. While shooting with Lambency (aka Tupperware, or the Cup), it hasn't shown that kind of weakness.
I bought Stofen because there are a few photographers using Sto-fen even on outdoor night events, so I thought it could come in handy when I shoot outdoor events, where there are no ceiling to bounce off the flash. But, it isn't working that way so far. Stofen is also less bulky than Lambency, it gives you better convenience to carry it around in your gadget bag.
Has anyone had experience using Stofen before? Do drop me your share of experience here. Thanks!
Allen, who's getting married?
can see the wedding chime on my side bar.. hehe.. tmr's hui nee & daniel's big day.
Stofen is nothing compared to your Lambency.
Wait till you try Whale Tail =P
Will show you when we meet
Hey thanks for comment.
Yeah.. Stofen can't produce what Lambency can offer. Not even near.
But Lambency's really bulky. -_-
WhaleTail, that should be rather costly. Haha.. You bought one?
I bought a copycat one... =p
590EX II? @.@
apa 590EX II? u drunk?hahahaha
ahlost not drunk la.. u la drunk ..
me drunk ah?? haha.. how u know? =P
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